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Dr. McCartin's Favorite Things in Therapy and...
at Her Home.

For years now, I have had the pleasure of treating countless patients of all ages.  Throughout therapy sessions and evaluations, I have then gone on to recommend books, games, and toys that I've not only used with patients of all ages, but also with my own children at home as I work to provide them with every opportunity to develop their skills.  So after years of asking, here are my favorites.  Here are things that I have personally purchased for therapy and my home.  I hope you find as much enjoyment out of them as my patients, my children, and I have.



If it improves skills, I don't consider it a toy, it's a tool for development. Just don't tell your kids that. ;-)
If it improves skills, I don't consider it a toy, it's a tool for development. Just don't tell your kids that. ;-)…
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